© Joanne Sloan


The Anne McKee Artists Fund (AMAF) is proud to offer grant opportunities to individual visual, performing and literary artists who reside in Key West or the Florida Keys.


About our grants…

The AMAF was created to give project-based assistance to individual artists. Grants are awarded on the basis of financial need and/or to promote recognition of emerging talent. Other factors considered are a history of dedication and excellence in the applicant’s area of expertise and their commitment and involvement in the cultural community of Key West and/or the Florida Keys. Grants are awarded at the sole discretion of the AMAF Board of Directors, after fair and careful consideration.

Grants are awarded to successful applicants in varying amounts up to $2000. Additionally, there are three special grants awarded to young aspiring artists. In 2018 we introduced our third youth grant - The Jon McIntosh Student Grant for Artistic Advancement, named in honor of our beloved friend and local artist, Jon ‘Tosh’ McIntosh.

sally binard anne mckee artist grant 2019 key west.jpg

bring your project to life with an AMAF grant


© Sally Binard - 2019 grant recipient


Q & A


When does the next round of Grant applications open?
March 1, 2024 at 10am
. Applications close March 31, 2024, at 5pm EST.

Who can apply for a grant?
Any visual, performing or literary artist who resides full time (or min 6 months per year) in Key West or the Florida Keys and has an upcoming creative project that could benefit from financial assistance.

Which grant is for me?

- The Anne McKee Artists Fund Grant
For established & emerging Florida Keys artists, writers or performers needing to fund a project - up to $2000. Up to 20 grants are awarded every year.

- The Anne McKee Artists Fund and Tennessee Williams Theatre Joint Performance Grant
Please read the information on the new Performance Grant open to all residents of the Keys in the music, comedy, dance, or other performance arts. Visit Performance Grant page.

We also offer three Youth Scholarships:

- The Jon McIntosh Student Grant for Artistic Advancement
For a high school senior wishing to advance their creativity - $1000.

- The Anne McKee Artists Fund Youth Grants/Scholarship
To assist a young person under 14 - with instruction - $500.
To assist a young person 14 years or older - with instruction or for a project - $800.

Christie Fifer

Former Anne McKee Grant Recepient

What does the grant cover?
Grants are intended for a specific creative project. The grants cover material costs specific to the project for which they are proposed. They do not cover equipment. Typically acceptable expenses include project materials (paint, canvases, clay, glazes, costumes for performance etc), framing, publishing costs and advertising etc. Expenses NOT covered by the grant are capital goods (computers, smartphones, cameras, software, etc), travel expenses, classes or instruction (except for Youth Grants), venue or equipment rentals, salaries and primarily commercial projects. Unfortunately, the grants do not cover the replacement cost of equipment lost to weather or fire.

How do I apply for a grant?
You apply via our online application form (Entrythingy link at bottom of page). The application has 2 steps - all the required written information is STEP 1. Samples of your work must be uploaded for STEP 2. You must complete all required fields or your application will not go through. Once you have completed both steps you’ll receive a confirmation email.

How do I prepare for a grant application?
You must have a project proposal outlining the specifics of your project and the costs involved in making your project a success - before applying for the grant. It is recommended you thoroughly research the costs and project timeline before finalizing your proposal. The maximum grant award is $2000, but your budget proposal can be any amount - ie; $500 or $5000. The grant only covers specific materials within the value of the specific grant you applying for.

You must have 1-4 samples of your work (image or document) ready to upload at the time you apply - this is step 2 of your application process. Files must be less than 5MB.

Can I apply for a grant more than once?
Previous grant winners may apply for the grant every 2 years.

When is the grant application deadline?
Applications must be received no later than 5pm on March 31, 2024. The online application form closes automatically after this time.

When are the grants approved?
The selection process is completed within 1 month of the application deadline. All applicants will be notified by email immediately after selections are made regardless of the application outcome.

When are the grants received?
50% of the grant is issued 1-2 weeks after the winners are notified. Past recipients received their check in during an award ceremony held at the Gardens Hotel in Key West in May. The remaining 50% of the grant is awarded at completion of the final project.

How long do I have to complete my proposed project? 
Projects are to be completed within one year of receiving the initial 50% of the grant. Upon project completion, the grant winner is required to report to the AMAF on the final disposition of their project and provide evidence that the proposed body of work has been completed.

Please note that ALL projects funded by the AMAF Grant must acknowledge the Anne McKee Artists Fund in all print and digital media.

What if I don’t finish my project proposal within the 12 months?
Any projects not completed within the one year timeframe will forfeit all remaining grant money. It is a condition of the AMAF grant that artists who do not complete their project within the 12 months must reimburse the initial grant payment. This enables us to support the next round of grant artists to complete their projects. Only if a grant recipient is experiencing extenuating circumstances will the board consider an extension.

How do I apply?
Our 2024 grant applications will open at 10am on March 1, 2024, and close 5PM EST on March 31, 2024. Watch this space for links to our online application forms!

Do you have questions about the grants or the application process?

Thank you for your interest in the AMAF Grant.
We wish you the best of success with your artistic endeavors.