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our story

The Anne McKee Artists Fund


© Joanne Sloan



what we do

The Anne McKee Artists Fund (AMAF) was established in 1992 after its founder, Anne McKee, saw a pressing need to assist individual artists from Key West. Now, after more than 30 years, our non-profit organization supports an array of visual, literary & performance artists whose creative contribution adds to the quality of life throughout the Florida Keys. The Fund acknowledges these artists, who bring a vitality to our cultural community, with our annual Grants and Fine Art Auction. The AMAF support of our Florida Keys artists provides tangible and intangible benefits to the local creative community.

I started the Fund because of my love of the Arts. It is important we nurture our local artists while keeping the community attractive to creative people.
— Anne McKee
© Silda Trevisan

© Silda Trevisan



artists helping artists

The AMAF is funded solely by artists. The annual Anne McKee Fine Art Auction features work by talented local artists from Key West and the Florida Keys. The Auction is held in February and raises money for both artists and the AMAF, each receiving 50% of proceeds. The AMAF share is used to fund the following round of Artist Grants, of up to $2000 each, which are awarded every Spring.

When McKee first envisioned the Fund,
to provide project-based financial assistance to local artists,
she never imagined how successful it would become.
The Fund’s growth over the past 30 years has far surpassed her vision.

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Since 1994 the AMAF Grant has awarded more than $425,000 to over 400 artists, writers and performers in the Florida Keys.


© K Rose


tribute to artists

As well as the AMAF Auction and Grants, the Fund presents four different awards to local artists every year to honor outstanding achievements in the visual, literary and performance arts. The awards are named in memory of talented Key West artists who left behind a creative legacy, for the island and the Keys, and were life-long friends of the Fund - Jack Baron, Miriam B. Good, Richard Heyman and Adeline Turner.



meet Anne

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Anne McKee


I never thought the Fund would enable artists to do so many big things
— Anne McKee

Anne McKee has been a Key West resident since 1971. Upon retirement she left her native Canada in search of ‘some place warm’. She met her husband, transplanted New Yorker, Ross McKee, soon after her arrival.

One of nine children, Anne is from a musical family that supported the arts and was actively involved with community fundraising. Her father was an architect and her ancestors were sea captains and builders. Traditions of the arts, the sea and community involvement run deep for Anne and her family. Her philanthropic roots have contributed four decades to keeping the arts community flourishing in Key West and the Florida Keys.

Anne has been an active member of the Key West community,
and an avid supporter of the local arts, since her arrival over 45 years ago.


1971-1974 - Member of Comprehensive Health Task Force

1972-1974 - Board Director of Key West By The Sea

1975-1980 - Director of Friends of Monroe Country Library

1975-1980 - State Lobbyist for Library Day for Key West Library

1982-1984 - Chairperson of Monroe County Fine Arts Council

1982-1989 - State Lobbyist for Arts Day for Art & Artists in the Keys

1983-2012 - Christmas concert Coordinator at St. Paul’s

1984-1986 - Member of Monroe County Fine Arts Council

1984-1986 - Member of Key West Cultural Commission

1987-1989 - Director of Key West Woman’s Club

1987-1989 - President of Retired Officer’s Club

1987-1989 - Director of Florida Cultural Alliance

1992 / Anne McKee Artist’s Fund of the Florida Keys established

1993 / Key West’s Woman of The Year in The Arts

Anne credits the performing artists for making the St Paul’s concerts such a success - it is these artists who were her inspiration for creating the Anne McKee Artists Fund as a way to give back to the creative community that gives so much of themselves. Since the Fund was established, Anne, and her dedicated team of passionate Board Members over the years, have made the AMAF what it is today.

Anne lives by the ocean and is still actively involved with the AMAF she founded over 25 years ago.


video by White Orchid Studios


They are artists helping other artists who haven’t been recognised like they have.
— Anne McKee